SBAC Survey

Updated April 16, 2024: The SBAC update on the survey now includes more specific information on how to submit completed surveys.

  • Mailing it back using the enclosed postage-paid envelope

  • Dropping off your completed survey at Town Hall (first floor Town Clerk's Office)

A message from School Building Advisory Committee, April 15, 2024

Dear Cape Elizabeth Resident,

We value your input as we shape the future of our schools together. Each registered voter in Cape Elizabeth is invited to participate in our School Building Survey. This survey will help guide decisions on the proposed school building designs. Please remember that this is a survey to gather your opinions, not a formal vote.

You should have received a survey packet in the mail last week. This packet includes detailed information on the three design concepts, our educational needs, and the tax impacts associated with each option. Please review these materials carefully.

You have the flexibility to complete the survey online here: or return the paper survey by:

  • Mailing it back using the enclosed postage-paid envelope

  • Dropping off your completed survey at Town Hall (first floor Town Clerk's Office)

Important: Whether you choose to respond online or on paper, please submit your survey by Monday, April 22nd to ensure your feedback is counted. Each resident aged 18 and older is eligible to participate, but please submit only one response per person to ensure that every voice is counted fairly.

Thank you for participating in this vital community decision-making process. Sharing your views is essential as we continue to plan for the future of Cape Elizabeth's educational facilities.


Michael Hussey

SBAC Community Member and Chair of the Communications Subcommittee

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