Solar Array at landfill approved by Planning Board

On Tuesday, May 16, 2023, the Planning Board unanimously approved the application of ER Cape Landfill Solar LLC (Ralph Meima) for site plan amendments to the Gull Crest Site plan to install a solar array on the landfill located at 21 Dennison Drive, subject to the following conditions:

1. That the plans be revised to address the comments of the Town engineer in his letter dated, 5-9-2023.

2.  That there be no alteration to the site or issuance of a building permit until the plans have been revised to address the above conditions and submitted to the town planner for review.

The application was deemed complete at the April 18 Planning Board meeting; a site walk was held on April 24.  A public hearing, in which no comments were made, was held prior to the board’s vote to approve.

The landfill was closed in 1997 and is located behind the recycling center.  The solar array will be constructed on a 6.5-acre leased portion of the existing 198-acre parcel, identified as lot 10 on the Cape Elizabeth tax map, number five.  The array itself will consist of 2,796 modules.  Development will include a 7-foot perimeter fence around the installation, as required by national electric codes.  Portions of the fencing will be traditional driven posts and others will be ballasted where the fence runs over the existing landfill cover.

An existing trail located at the northwestern foot of the landfill will be relocated away from the array and reconnect to the existing trail network at Gull Crest.  No new landscaping is proposed as the landfill site has an extensive naturally vegetated buffer on the west and north sides and abuts the composting facility and Recycling Center on the east and south sides.  No additional lighting is proposed and signage will be limited to one sign identifying the site owner and a 24-hour contact.

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