Applications now available for School Building Advisory Committee

The Cape Elizabeth Town Council and School Board are accepting applications from residents to serve on the newly-formed ad-hoc School Building Advisory Committee (SBAC)

The SBAC shall be a joint ad hoc advisory committee of the School Board and Town Council assisting them in their respective responsibilities for development of a school building project and funding proposal to submit to the Town voters.

The committee will consist of nine members; two members of the Town Council, two members of the School Board and five public members. The public members shall be recommended by a joint appointments committee consisting of three members of the Town Council Appointments Committee and three members of the School Board. Both boards will affirm the recommendations.

Residents with an interest in the project, experience with construction projects, finance, and communications are encouraged to apply. Committee members should anticipate a busy meeting schedule of one or more meetings per month for the next 12-18 months.

Residents may apply at

Questions should be directed to Debra Lane, Town Clerk 

at 799-7665 or

Applications must be submitted to Debra Lane no later than 4:00 p.m. Wednesday, January 25, 2023.

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