Town Manager's Monthly Report

As the Council year is coming to a close, this is an opportunity to review the Town Council goals for the past year, and to check in on the status of initiatives and projects undertaken in the past 8 months. The Council Goals are organized under a strategic map developed last spring, with the pillars of the map being infrastructure, education and continuous learning, fiscal responsibility and economic opportunity, healthy and diverse community, and natural and cultural resources. Within each pillar there were goals and objectives identified. This memo will provide an update to the status of identified goals.


Stay current with capital improvement projects. This is ongoing, with planning and engineering continuing on the Willow Brook culvert replacement project advancing, with grant funding secured. The communications tower project is near completion, improving communications for public safety and public works. Engine 2 replacement is on order and under construction, Kettle Cove drainage project engineering continues, with plans for collaboration with Portland
Water District water line replacement ongoing. Paving improvements have been ongoing through the late summer; with phase one of Mitchell Road complete and new pavement in the Oakhurst neighborhood. The new bucket loader purchase came in under budget, and is ordered. Finally, Shore Road construction and improvements continues with engineering and planning underway.

Define problem areas, potential solutions, and quick wins for cellular coverage in Town. The wireless infrastructure market augmentation study request for proposals has been sent out, with anticipated returns on Friday, November 5th. This study will seeks professional consulting assistance to evaluate existing wireless service and develop alternatives for the Town to financially participate in augmenting market driven network expansion.

Address traffic and parking challenges.  Town Center traffic study was performed, with the report and recommendations provided to the council with a workshop with Tom Errico from TY Lin.

Create climate action goals. Complete solar project at Recycling Facility, LED street lamp installation, and EV charging stations. Solar project continues in planning stages, as encore has run into cost challenges for materials, and we are in the process of reviewing the terms of the initial agreement. Street lamp conversion and installation project will begin the week of November 15, 2021. EV charging stations are underway, with installation work beginning in November at Community Services and early spring at Fort Williams Park. 

Provide reliable public and emergency services. Chief Gleeson updated the council on the 5 to 10 year plans / strategy for Fire / Rescue services during the FY2022 budget process.

Education and Continuous Learning:

Support programming and services for citizens. Ongoing library programming for a variety of interests and ages. Community Services programming has expanded to provide learning and experience opportunities for multiple ages.

Ensure citizens have access and opportunity for feedback and engagement. The ability to implement virtual meetings and hybrid format meetings is currently underway with three requests for proposals out with expected return December 1st.


Natural and Cultural Resources:

Protect access to Town resources and assets. The Fort Williams Master Plan is complete and on this evening’s agenda for adoption. 

Preserve the natural resources of Cape Elizabeth. Willow Brook culvert replacement is in engineering and on track. Storm water management is ongoing, with Kettle Cove and Surf Road drainage projects identified as prime projects for use of ARPA funds.

Ongoing initiatives:

Equip employees with the training and resources they need to deliver high-quality services to the Town. 

Collaborate with regional partners.

Leverage the work and recommendations of Town committees. 

All concepts are incorporated in operations. Additionally, the objectives identified in Fiscal Responsibility and Economic Opportunity and Healthy and Diverse Community are ongoing. Financial decisions are made with the impact to the municipal tax base and rate strongly considered. Where cooperative purchasing and resource sharing opportunities present themselves, the Town takes advantage. Prime examples are in purchasing salt for winter roads and regional analysis of cable television contract are two recent examples. 

This document aims to show the progress made over the past eight months since the council adopted this new goal and objective format. Staff has been fully aware of these goals, and has incorporated them into daily operations. 

Respectfully submitted,

Matthew E. Sturgis

Town Manager

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