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Hearing Dec. 11 on off-leash dog area in Fort Williams Park

The Town Council will hold a public hearing on Dec. 11, 2017 on a proposal to expand the unleashed-dog area in Fort Williams Park, but restrict use of a central portion of that area to only winter months.

Currently dogs may be off-leash in a 20-acre area behind the parks-maintenance garage, bounded roughly by Harrison and Merriman roads [current (2007) map]. The proposal would extend the area east beyond Merriman Road to include a portion of the "green" and wooded area that surrounds Battery Garesche.

From April 1 to Nov. 1, dogs would be prohibited off-leash from the multipurpose playing field that lies in the center of the unleashed-dog area.

The multipurpose field is approximately 73,000 square feet. The proposed added area is approximately 140,400 square feet, but includes the former battery and woods to the Cliff Walk. [ proposed map].

The proposal would amend the dog ordinance, recommended by the council's ordinance subcommittee at the request of the Fort Williams Park Committee. Councilors set the proposal for public hearing at their meeting Nov. 6.