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Cape Elizabeth Town Council Agenda
Monday, November 6, 2017
7:00 p.m.
Cape Elizabeth Town Hall

James M. "Jamie" Garvin, Chairman
Patricia K. Grennon
Caitlin R. Jordan
Penelope A. Jordan
Sara W. Lennon
Katharine N. Ray
Jessica L. Sullivan

Convening by Town Councilor Chairman James M. “Jamie” Garvin

01:00 Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag

01:25 Roll Call by the Town Clerk

01:40 Recognition of Councilor Grennon and Councilor Ray’s Last Regular Meeting

12:10 Town Council Reports and Correspondence

Meeting Reminder
2018 Council Caucus – Monday, November 13, 7:00 p.m. Town Hall - Jordan Conference Room

22:48 Finance Committee Report
Dashboard and Financial Reports as of 10/31/2017

24:19 Citizen Opportunity for Discussion of Items Not on the Agenda

33:42 Town Manager’s Monthly Report

36:22 Review of Draft Minutes of October 11, 2017

36:47 Public Hearing Polystyrene Foam and Plastic Bag Ordinances

Linkto Proposed Amendments to Chapter 11 Health and Sanitation.
Linkto Cover Memo

44:32 Item #136-2017 Polystyrene Foam and Plastic Bag Ordinances

Councilors Penelope & Caitlin Jordan were recused from discussion and voting on this topic at the 12/12/2016 town council meeting.

On December 12, 2016 the town council referred to the ordinance committee review of a recommendation by the recycling committee to regulate Single Use Carryout Bags. On September 11, 2017 the town council referred the recommendations to the ordinance committee. The committee reviewed the recommendation on September 19 and voted (2-0) to refer back to the town council as amended. On October 11 the council set a public hearing for November 6.

The recommendation is to ban polystyrene foam, except for perishable food shipment and in an emergency.

The recommendation is a $0.05 charge per single use carryout bag (plastic and paper) is required for all retail stores except in an emergency. This charge does not apply to “bags on a roll” typically used for produce and meats.

Following the public hearing the town council may adopt the amendments, refer back to ordinance committee for further review or refer to the next regular meeting for action.

01:02:58 Item #137-2017 Continued Discussion of Paper Streets (Lighthouse Point Road, Surfside Avenue and Atlantic Place)
Linkto Draft Motions

02:18:54 End public comment

At the October 30 town council workshop it was a consensus to continue the paper street discussion
at the regular meeting on November 6.

The town council may decide to take no further action on the October 5, 2016 vote to extend the
town’s incipient rights in the paper streets (Lighthouse Point Road, Surfside Avenue and Atlantic Place), or accept, or deemed vacation of any or all of the streets.

As a matter of procedure the council may decide to vote en bloc or separate and vote by street.

04:33:23 (Vote on Surf Side Avenue)

04:33:57 (Vote on Atlantic Place)

05:00:51 (Vote on Lighthouse Point Road)

05:03:05 Item #-138-2017 Recommendation to Change the Existing Delineation of the Off-Leash Area in Fort Williams Park

Linkto Recommendation

On October 11 the town council referred to the ordinance committee a recommendation of the Fort
Williams Park Committee to change the existing delineation of the off-leash area in Fort
Williams Park, Chapter 7 Dogs Section 7-1-7 Dogs to be Restrained on Municipal Property.

Unless further review is requested it would be in order to schedule a public hearing on December 11.

05:03:44 Item #139-2017 Request by William H. Jordan Farm, LLC to Terminate Compost Handling Agreement

Linkto Request
Linkto Handling Agreement

William H. Jordan Farm, LLC is requesting termination of a compost handling agreement three years
prior to the end of the agreement. Said termination is effective December 31, 2017.

05:07:15 Citizens may at this point in the meeting raise any topic that is not on the agenda that pertains
to Cape Elizabeth local government.

05:07:42 Adjournment