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Cape Elizabeth Town Council Agenda
Monday, September 11, 2017
7:00 p.m.
Cape Elizabeth Town Hall

James M. "Jamie" Garvin, Chairman
Patricia K. Grennon
Caitlin R. Jordan
Penelope A. Jordan
Sara W. Lennon
Katharine N. Ray
Jessica L. Sullivan


00:05 Convening by Town Councilor Chairman James M. "Jamie" Garvin
00:11 Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag

00:32 Roll Call by the Town Clerk

02:27 Town Council Reports and Correspondence

05:33 Finance Committee Report 
Dashboard and Financial Reports as of 8/31/2017

09:32 Citizen Opportunity for Discussion of Items Not on the Agenda

09:39 Town Manager's Monthly Report

12:37 Presentation – Winter Moths
Todd Robbins, Tree Warden

53:34 Review of Draft Minutes of August 14, 2017

54:56 Item #121-2017          Domestic Fowl Amendments

On July 10, 2017 the town council referred to the ordinance committee amendments to regulate domestic fowl. The ordinance committee voted 3-0 to recommend Domestic Fowl amendments, Chapter 12 Miscellaneous Offenses, to the town council for consideration.

01:00:21 Item #122-2017          Polystyrene Foam and Plastic Bag Ordinances

On December 12, 2016 the town council referred to the ordinance committee review of a recommendation by the recycling committee to regulate Single Use Carryout Bags. The ordinance committee voted 3-0 to recommend amendments to the town council for consideration.

Polystyrene Foam – Amending Chapter 11 Health and Sanitation Ordinance Article 1, Food and Food Service Establishments.

The recycling committee is recommending a ban on polystyrene foam, except for perishable food shipment and in an emergency.

Single Use Carryout Bags – New Article IV to Chapter 11 Health and Sanitation Ordinance

The recycling committee is recommending that a $0.05 per single use carryout bag (plastic and paper) charge be required for all food stores.

01:25:40 Item #123-2017          General Assistance Appendices

It is recommended the Town Council adopt the General Assistance Ordinance Appendix
(A – D) as recommended by the Maine Municipal Association effective October 1, 2017 –
September 30, 2018.

01:28:28 Item #124-2017          Provisions for Use of the Spurwink Church

Amendments to the Provisions for Use of the Spurwink Church are proposed to clarify the
cancellation policy, address changes to reservations and clarify the rental time schedule.

The town council may approve, with or without changes, or refer to workshop or the next regular
meeting if additional time is needed for review.

The Rental Form is a document used for administrative purposes but provided to the town
council for informational purposes and will be updated following any council action.

01:43:13 Item #125-2017          Updates to Board and Committee Supplemental Documents

Link to Statement of Policy
Link to Responsibility of and for Boards and Commissions

Following the adoption of the new Chapter 4 Boards and Committees, effective August 10, 2016,
supplemental documents, Statement of Policy and Responsibility of and for Boards and
Commissions, have been reviewed.

Since the new ordinance outlines roles and responsibilities it is recommended the use of the Responsibility of and for Boards and Commissions document be discontinued.
There are provisions in the Statement of Policy that are not addressed by ordinance. It is recommended the council review the policy.

The town council may vote on the recommendations, with or without amendments, or refer to workshop or the next regular meeting if additional time is needed for review. Amendments to these policy documents are effective immediately following approval.

There are two other supplemental documents used for administrative purposes including Staff Assignments and Board and Committee Schedules. These documents are updated as needed.

01:46:17 Item #126-2017          Municipal Election Warrant

The municipal election for town council and school board will be held on Tuesday, November 7, 2017. It is in order for the town council to approve the warrant.

01:49:48 Item #127-2017          Town Manager Evaluation

The town council will consider entering into execution session to continue the 6-month evaluation of the town manager.

Draft Motion: ORDERED, the Cape Elizabeth Town Council in conformance with 1 MRSA §405 6 A enters into executive session to continue the discussion of the evaluation of the town manager.

            Citizens may at this point in the meeting raise any topic that is not on the agenda that pertains   
            to Cape Elizabeth local government.
