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00:01Convening by Town Council Chair Katharine N. Ray
00:28 Roll Call by the Town Clerk
00:54 Town Council Reports and Correspondence
17:00 Finance Committee Report:  Link to  Expenses   and Revenues  Link to   Dashboard  
19:15 Citizen Opportunity for Discussion of Items Not on the Agenda
19:24 Town Manager’s Monthly Report
27:34        Review of   Draft Minutes  of October  14, 2015 meeting.  

27:58 Public Hearing:  Special Events Ordinance  Provisions and Related Zoning Overlay Map  
28:26 Item # 126       Consideration of  Special Events Ordinance provisions and related zoning overlay map.      
The town council will consider public hearing comments on the proposed special events ordinance and related zoning overlay map.
35:13 Item # 127       Rescue Coverage Update from Fire Chief  
The fire chief is recommending that we expand to having one paramedic or advanced EMT on duty 24 hours a day, 7 days a week at the town center fire station.  We now have such coverage for 16 hours per day.   It is recommended that the rescue fund budget for FY 2016 be authorized to increase from the current $340,177 to $375,000 and that an additional $25,000 be appropriated to account 715 (capital improvements) from the general fund unassigned fund balance to improve the quarters for overnight personnel.
43:48 Item # 128       Pickleball  
The Fort Williams Advisory Commission is recommending  the council review the use of all town courts, including those in Fort Williams Park, and develop a plan to accommodate both pickleball and tennis in the community. The town manager recommends  that an ad hoc committee be formed with two representatives of the Fort Williams Advisory Commission and two representatives of the Community Services Advisory Commission to report back a recommendation by March 1, 2016.
46:12 Item # 129       Report on Dectron Humidity Control Unit at Donald Richards Community Pool  
As part of the budget process this past year, the council authorized a engineering study of potential replacement of the dectron unit at the Donald Richards Community Pool.  The report has been received and the estimated cost for a new unit and related engineering is $603,641,  It is recommending that this report and its recommendations be reviewed at a future workshop with the Cape Elizabeth School Board.
48:20 Item # 130       Report of the Solid Waste and Recycling Long Term Planning Committee
The town council met in workshop session on October 19, 2015 with the Solid Waste and Recycling Long Term Planning Committee.  It is recommended to schedule a public hearing for Monday, January 4, 2016 at 7:00 p.m. on the report and its recommendations. Please note that the draft  schedule for 2016 council meetings will propose that the January meeting be on January 4th.  All other regular meetings in 2016 are proposed  for the second Monday except for October which is a second Monday holiday.
48:51 Item # 131       Town Council Goals for 2015
As this is the last scheduled regular meeting for the current council, it is proposed to take a final look at progress on the  2015 town council goals  
49:53 Item # 132       Citizen Input on the Goddard Mansion  
One of the town council goals for 2015 is to seek citizen input on the future of the Goddard mansion.  The survey included in the recent tax bills contained the following question and 793 responses were received.
Former Goddard mansion
­­­51.7% The Goddard mansion should continue to be stabilized in a safe manner. (410)
28.1% The Goddard mansion section of Fort Williams Park should be sold or be encumbered by a long term lease so that it may be redeveloped to serve a purpose such as a restaurant or housing.  (223)
12.9%_ The Goddard mansion should be demolished.  (102)
7.3% Other   (58)
It is recommended that the town council formally adopt as a policy the following statement:
The Goddard mansion at Fort Williams Park has been repaired many times after two fires in the 1980’s.  The interior frame structure was removed and the walls have been capped and partially sealed.  In 2009, the council voted to seal off access to make the building as safe as possible while still maintaining the façade for historical appreciation.  The town council affirms that the Goddard Mansion should continue to be stabilized in a safe manner.
59:55 Item # 133       Citizen Input on the old Thomas Memorial Library/Spurwink School  
One of the town council goals for 2015 is to determine longer term uses of the former Spurwink School for after its temporary use as a library in 2015
The survey included in the recent tax bills contained the following question and 807 responses were received.
Original Library Building at Rear of Library Lot
The former library building at the rear of the library lot will be empty when the new library opens early next year.
17.6%  The building should be demolished. (142)
51.5% The building should be repurposed for public use,  such as for school offices .  (416)
24.3% The building should be converted to space to be rented out to the private sector. (196)
6.6%  Other (53)
It is recommended that the town council formally adopt  the following motion:
The town council hereby requests the town manager to inquire to all municipal departments and to the school department on potential public uses on the Spurwink School and to report back to the council at the December council meeting. 
01:04:34 Item # 134       Citizen Input on the Town Center Intersection
One of the town council goals for 2015 is for the town council to consider options for improving the intersection at the Spurwink Church and the intersection at the town center  The survey included in the recent tax bills contained the following question and 799 responses were received.
Town Center Intersection   
In 2009, the town council turned down a grant to install a traffic light at the Shore Road/Route 77/Scott Dyer Road intersection.
48.2%   The intersection is not a problem. Do not spend money on it.  (385)
36.8%    The town should open an extensive public dialogue on options for the intersection. (294)
15.0%   Other (120)
It is recommended that the town council formally adopt the following motion:
The town council notes that the 2015 tax bill survey indicates that a majority of citizens do not believe the town center intersection at Route 77/Scott Dyer Road and Shore Road is in need of attention that would warrant spending any money on it. Therefore, the council will take no action to study options to improve the intersection but will continue to review (at no municipal cost)  changes impacting traffic at the intersection and pedestrian issues in conjunction with reviewing pedestrian safety opportunities throughout the town center area.
01:16:15 Item # 135       Appointments Committee Report and Follow-Up to Citizen Roundtables
The Appointments Committee will present the findings in PowerPoint format and in PDF format   from the citizen roundtables held September 17, 2015.
01:39:42 Item # 136       Appointments Committee Report   on Timeline for Goal Setting for Council and Boards
Town of Cape Elizabeth  Annual Training and Goal setting Timeline
This timeline is meant to serve as a framework for all public boards serving the town of Cape Elizabeth.  Each board is asked to participate in the annual goal setting process.  From this process, the Town Council seeks to establish consistent and clear operating and reporting procedures and to create an annual goal setting process that is inclusive and representative of the work of its boards and constituents.






01:59:18 Item # 137       Appointments Committee Report on Letter to be Utilized in Orientation
The Appointments Committee has prepared a draft letter  proposed to be utilized in orientation for the council and for members of boards in commissions relating to Maine’s public access law. 
02:07:43 Citizen Opportunity for Discussion of Items Not on the Agenda
02:08:37 Adjournment
Future Meetings:  Topics are subject to change so please check for updates.
November 18, 2015: Council Caucus and Orientation, Review of Draft 2016 Schedule of Council Meetings,  Introduction of 2016 Council Goals Process  (New Council)
December 1, 2015: Discussion of Council Goals for 2016  (New Council)
December 14, 2016:  First Regular Meeting of New Council, Election of Council Chair etc.