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September 17, 2013 7:00 p.m. Town Hall


7:00 1. Approval of Minutes of previous meeting: August 20, 2013

2. Correspondence:

• None

3. Public Comment


7:05 4. Rudy’s Site Plan Amendment - 517 Ocean House LLC is requesting amendments to the previously approved site plan to create two bump outs at the rear of the building totalling 70 sq. ft., Sec. 19-9, Site Plan Amendments.

7:30 5. Old Hayfield Rd Private Road Review - Stephanie Boggs is requesting approval of a Private Road under the Subdivision Ordinance proposed on a paper street known as Elizabeth Rd located north of Reef Rd, Sec. 19-7-9(B), Private Road Standards.

NOTE: The times on this agenda are approximate and are intended for the convenience of the
public; however, an item may begin earlier or later than the indicated time.

Public Participation at regular Planning Board meetings
The intent of this policy is to allow for public participation by interested parties and to provide for orderly Planning Board deliberation.

Speaking on topics on the regular Planning Board meeting agenda
The public hearing or public comment period will be opened after the applicant has made a presentation describing the project, or the Planning Board Chair has described the ordinance amendment or policy issue under consideration. When the Planning Board is considering the completeness of an application, public comments shall be limited to completeness and no comments on the merits of the application shall be made. If the Planning Board finds the application complete, the Planning Board may then open a second public comment period on the substance of the application and under the terms described below.

Members of the public wishing to address the Board concerning an agenda item shall wait until the Chair asks for public comment. When recognized by the Chair, the speaker shall state the speaker's name and address in an audible tone for the record. The speaker is strongly encouraged to focus his/her comments on the development standards of review, or, in the case of an ordinance amendment or policy discussion, the issue under discussion. Each member of the public shall be allowed three (3) minutes, and such time may be extended at the discretion of the Chair. The Chair may decline to recognize any person who has already spoken on the same agenda item. Once the public hearing or public comment period is closed and the Planning Board has begun its deliberations on an item, no member of the public shall be permitted to address the Planning Board. The public hearing or public comment period may be reopened at the discretion of the Chair.

Speaking on topics not on the regular Planning Board meeting agenda
Persons wishing to address the Board on an item not appearing on the agenda may do so only after disposition of all items appearing on the agenda, and only at the discretion of the Chair.