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Tuesday, May 22, 2018

A. Call to Order

00:15 B. Approve the minutes from March 27, 2018 meeting.

C.  Old Business:  None

D.  New Business

00:59 1. To hear the request of Russ Doucette, representing Greg Otterbien, owner of the property at 42 Reef Road, Map U12 Lot 54A, to convert a portion of a house into an Accessory Dwelling unit based on Section §19-7-5 of the Zoning Ordinance.

20:20 2. To hear the request of Stephan Blatt, representing Louis Kaucic, the owner of the property at 1122 Shore Road, Map U09 Lot 4B, to replace and relocate a small cottage on the property based on Section §19-4-3.B.2 and B.3 of the Zoning Ordinance.

01:23:35 3. To hear the request of Christopher E. Small, owner of the property at 5 Rocky Point Road, Map U14 Lot 14 & 22, to expand their nonconforming single family dwelling and garage based on Section §19-4-3.B.4 of the Zoning Ordinance.

03:08:55 4. To hear the request of Jeffery & Kendra Davis, owners of the property at 12 Beverly Terrace, Map U28 Lot 41, to expand their nonconforming single family dwelling based on Section §19-4-3.B.4 of the Zoning Ordinance.  A similar Zoning Board application was approved on 1/24/17 but they have changed their plans to they need to get the updated plans approved.


03:18:46 E.  Adjournment