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Tuesday June 25, 2013
00:03 A. Call to Order
00:19 B. Approve the minutes of May 28, 2013
C. Old Business
D. New Business
01:04 1) To hear the request of Heather Dallas of 1 Indian Rock Woods, Scarborough, ME, for an administrative appeal of a letter written by the Code Enforcement Officer concerning Map U7 Lot 46A.
02:07:11 Break
02:11:27 2) To hear the request of Timothy Gosch Jr. of 1267 Sawyer Road, Map R5 Lot 55, for an administrative appeal of a Notice of Violation and Order for Corrective Action dated April 9, 2013.
02:54:18 3) To hear the request of William Royal, representing Anthony and Donna Levesque of 11 Vernon Road, Map U19 Lot 7-35, for a variance to construct a garage.
03:17:00 Votes on findings of facts for agenda items 1 and 2
03:19:40 4) To hear the request of Cole and Margie Kelly of 9 Overlook Lane, Map U 12 Lot 43, for a variance to construct an addition to their single family dwelling. - continued to next meeting
E. Communications
03:19:50 F. Adjournment