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Wednesday, January 2, 2013
7:00 PM
00:10 A. Call to Order
00:34 B. Approve the minutes of October 23, 2012 and 03:30 November 27, 2012
04:46 Election of 2013 Officers, chair, and secretary.
07:20 Review of Board of Zoning Appeals Rules and Regulations.
07:43 Review of proposed communication to the town council regarding notification of the issuance of
building permits
11:06 C. Old Business None
D. New Business
1) To hear the request of a variance on Map U44 Lot 26 at 195 Fowler Rd from Barbara Kenney
for a side setback of 27 Ft from the required 30 Feet for an existing garage that was found to be non
conforming. (withdrawn)
11:30 2) Request for a variance on Map U03 Lot 114 at 825 Shore Rd. from Maria S Chambers to construct
a garage with a rear setback of 6 Feet, a side setback of 4 Feet and a setback of 16 Feet from
Stonybrook Rd.
36:43 3) Administrative Appeal from George W. Foley III, Suzanne R. Lindsay, Della Hitchcox, Betsy
French, Gerald French, Steven Sutton and Kimberly Cripps asking the board to override the code
enforcement officer approval of building permit # 130152 at Map U 12 Lot 071 at 25 Pilot Point Rd.
02:39:37 E. Communications
02:39:42 F. Adjournment