School Board Standing Committees

Standing Committees are established by the School Board and the Board Chairperson appoints members.  Appointments aer subject to final approval of the Board. Each committee has a specific function and may advise the Board on matters related to its charge, but may not act for the Board.  Membership includes elected Board members and others who may serve in a non-voting advisory capacity. 

Finance Committee 

The Finance Committee assists with the development and adoption of the annual budget; periodically reviews financial management reports; provides strategic direction for funding decisions; collaborates with Town Council to guide the budget process, including a presentation of information to voters; review facilities' and equipment conditions and adequacy; address other financial issues as needed.

Policy Committee

The Policy Committee develops, reviews, and adopts policies which guide the operations and educational mission of the school department.


Three Board members are appointed annually to participate in contract negotiations with the Collective Bargaining Agreements for the various groups within the Cape Elizabeth School Department.  These include, Administrators, Teachers, Educational Technicians, Custodians and Bus Drivers.  

Buildings and Grounds Committee

The Buildings and Grounds Committee meets with the Facilities Director of the CESD to assess, review and address conditions related to all school facilities.